The Light Painters’ Society is committed to encourage photography to younger and amateur photographers.
Our mission is to bring inspiration, creativity and connection through photography to younger and amateur photographers. This strategy has been created to provide a clear and ambitious direction to photo lovers.
The LPS runs different exciting and educational events a year.
We have organized events include:
Workshop on Street Photography:
Mentor- Mr. Pushpendu Pal
Webinar on Nature Photography:
Speaker- Mr. Koshal Basu
Webinar on Photo Selections for Salon(s) and Contest(s):
Speaker – Mr. Rajdeep Biswas
All members are welcome to join our groups that concentrate more closely on particulars areas of photography including Street Photography, Nature Photography, Landscape, and more.
We organize Indian and Internationally recognized competitions patronized by Federation of Indian Photography (FIP), Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP) and Photographic Society of America (PSA).
We have organized competitions include:
FIP Patronized – 1st LPS National Salon 2019
PSA Patronized – Raindrop Salon 2020